Customer Testimonials

“Mary and her staff have been keeping me out of trouble for about 10 years now. They make me feel just like a family member.”

Darlene Starner
Final Touch Windows & Décor, Inc.
Belleview, FL

"My husband and I started a Yamaha Golf Car business in Ocala 18 months ago and we needed an accounting firm we could trust to help us grow. Mary Fox and her staff impressed us from our first contact with them. They are extremely knowledgeable, have a friendly home town attitude and competitively priced. We drive extra miles to do business with them, but it is well worth it.”

Connie Dunlap
Carts & Clubs, Inc.
Ocala, FL

“Mary’s staff has given me very good service for over 5 years. They treat me like family and make me feel comfortable.”

Eddie Arnold
AAA Commercial Carpet, Inc.
Ocala, FL

“One of the great things about Mary Fox Tax & Accounting, Inc. is they return your calls and give you prompt service with a smile and very reasonable rates. I think they are the best.”

George Alford
Martin Aluminum Service, Inc.

"Mary Fox has been doing my tax return for close to 30 years. Not only has she done my tax work but she has taken care of my retirement investments as well. I highly recommend Mary and her staff to anyone who needs financial assistance."

Herman Bryant
Manager, Cox Lumber
Ocala, FL

“Accurate, reliable and professional in all aspects of service. Prespectives Addiction Treatment Services continues to rely on Mary Fox Tax and Accounting for all our business and personal accounting needs. Working with Mary and her knowledgeable and responsible staff is a pleasure and an on-going source of security.”

Carol N. Wiard, CAP, ICADC
Drug & Alcohol Treatment
Individual, Family, Group Counseling
Ocala, FL

"In our thirty years of business we have had three accountants. Of these accounts, Mary Fox Tax & Accounting, Inc. has been the most knowledgeable and helpful."

Charles Brandon
Brandon Drywall, Inc.
Ocala, FL

"Mary Fox and her staff have been a wonderful group to work with. They are friendly, courteous and very helpful. They make you feel like an individual, not a number!!! And to me this is very important.

The accounting field is something I know nothing about so it was crucial for me to find someone like Mary, who is not only extremely knowledgeable in her field but has great integrity. I feel very comfortable and secure knowing that when that dreaded date in April approaches, Mary and her staff will be there fore me, to get me through it with ease. Kudos to you all at Mary Fox’s office."

Carolyn Meltzner
Ocala, FL

"When I first met Mary Fox, I had been in business for 10 years and had a CPA in Ocala and my business was in Belleview. Our office had a new management system put in 2001 and we were having problems with beginning balances and making the transition from manual paperwork to the computer. I expressed this to Mary and she offered to come over and see what she could do. Needless to say, the rest is history. I needed someone that could come to my office and learn my system which was unique to our business. Not only did she get my books right and get the management system going correctly but we went from a cash system to an accrual system with no problems. Mary has taught me how to use my financial reports to see where areas which need improving. Mary and her office have helped me with IRA and retirement planning and many other issues that have come up.

Mary Fox and her staff are by far a first class business with expertise, organization, knowledge and most of all integrity. I have been in business 19 ½ years and would recommend Mary Fox Tax & Accounting highly."

Constance R. Inman
Owner, Denning’s Collision Center
Belleview, FL

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